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    Diversity and Inclusion

    At Athora, you are appreciated, no matter where or when you were born, what or who you believe in or who love.

    There is room for everyone

    As part of an international parent company, we at Athora Netherlands attach great value to diversity and inclusion. We strive for a culture of equality where our employees feel comfortable expressing thoughts, reaching shared insights and developing innovative solutions, ultimately creating value for our customers and shareholders.

    Diversity is about how you can give space to mutual differences in the organisation and creating an open culture where everyone can feel safe, no matter where or when you were born, in what or in who you believe or love. Together we make agreements about our behaviour, our values ​​and the rules of the game in the workplace.


    In the insurance world it still appears to be a challenge to achieve a balanced distribution between men and women, different age categories and people with a non-Western background. While, according to various studies, diversity can actually contribute to better business results, more innovation, creativity and better decision-making. That is why Athora Netherlands has formulated new policy on this theme, to take concrete steps to achieve a more diverse workforce at all levels.


    Within Athora, diversity is not only about external characteristics, but about many more characteristics of each person. We are also focusing on a more balanced gender balance within senior management and the total workforce. In addition, we are actively working to offer opportunities to people with an occupational disability. Awareness of unconscious prejudices that play a role in attracting new talent is also one of the points of attention.

    Diversity and inclusion in practice

    To achieve our goals, Athora Netherlands takes all kinds of initiatives to attract diverse talent and thus promote an inclusive culture. Some examples:


    A diverse workforce starts with attracting diverse talent. That is why we address different target groups through different channels. By means of assessments we look at what talents and characteristics someone has and how this fits into a team. We aim to appoint a woman in at least fifty percent of the vacancies for management positions.

    Workshops on unconscious bias

    Within the organization, we pay a lot of attention to the "unconscious bias", or the unconscious prejudices you can have based on appearance or a last name. With workshops around this theme, we actively train managers to become aware of this.

    Diversity dashboard

    Athora Netherlands has developed a diversity dashboard, which gives us direct insight into a number of characteristics of our employee population in the various business units. This shows, for example, the male-female ratio at different levels and the age structure.


    Athora Netherlands actively monitors the results of the policy pursued. We ask about these themes in the annual Employee Survey. In addition, managers are actively addressed on the basis of management information about diversity within their teams. There is also an annual report of any pay gap between men and women at Athora Netherlands. We also report on diversity and inclusion in our annual report.

    Signing the Diversity Charter

    The Diversity Charter is a declaration of intent, with which employers commit to self-defined goals to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Athora Netherlands signed this initiative of Diversity in Business in March 2021.

    Want to know more?

    Read our policy on Diversity and Inclusion.

    Meet our Diversity & Inclusion Officer

    Derk Jan Broekema is our Diversity & Inclusion Officer. He has been working on diversity since his student days and wants to further the theme within Athora.