We are constantly tightening our sustainability policy where we can. For example, by including sustainability as standard in the design and sales processes of our products. But also by taking energy-saving measures and reducing CO2 emissions when it comes to our buildings and IT equipment.
We Promote Sustainability
We also encourage awareness of sustainability among our own employees and help them make conscious choices when it comes to waste separation and commuting. We promote the use of public transport and bicycles, and have designed our way of working to reduce unnecessary travel to the office. We also influence the companies and partners we work with to encourage them to make sustainable choices.
We Lead by Example
The impact of all these measures is modest, and we have limited influence on many issues outside our own company. Nevertheless, we believe that we must lead by example in how we conduct ourselves as an insurer and as an employer. How we shape corporate social responsibility is critical to our credibility as a sustainable investor.
Tax Policy
Part of our corporate social responsibility is that we pay taxes fully, timely and accurately in the Netherlands. We do not establish subsidiaries in other jurisdictions for tax reasons and avoid cooperation with parties that exist only for tax reasons. The benchmark for Athora Netherlands' tax affairs is our general tax policy that is based on the VNO NCW Tax Governance Code.