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    Athora Netherlands Offers Innovative Carve-out for Members of Bedrijfstakpensioenfonds Koopvaardij

    18 December 2024 | 08:00

    Athora Netherlands has taken over the net early retirement liabilities of Bedrijfstakpensioenfonds Koopvaardij. Through a carve-out developed by Zwitserleven, a tailor-made solution is offered to the approximately 8,000 members with invested net early retirement assets of around EUR 35 million.

    The entitlements accrued in the pension fund's net early retirement scheme proved unsuitable for transfer into a Solidarity Premium Scheme in the new pension system. By providing appropriate customisation, Zwitserleven is creating an innovative solution for these members. DNB has already issued a statement of no objection for this transfer.

    Partner for Pension Funds

    Annemieke Visser-Brons, member of the Executive Committee of Athora Netherlands: ‘With this transaction, we show that we specialise in providing tailor-made solutions for pension funds on the eve of the complex transition to the new pension system. Thus, we are happy to help pension funds meet the challenges of the transition to a new pension system in the coming years. I would also like to thank the pension fund board for their trust and warmly welcome our new customers to Zwitserleven.’

    Expertise for Pension Transition

    Other pension funds can of course also benefit from Zwitserleven's expertise in insured solutions for the transition period. For instance, Zwitserleven also offers suitable products for pension funds transitioning to a Flexible Premium Scheme, which need to offer their members the option of a fixed benefit instead of the variable one in that new scheme.

    Henk Schillemans

    Media Relations

    T: +31 (0)6 12647962

    E: henk.schillemans@athora.nl

    Robert ter Weijden

    Media & Investor Relations

    M: +31 (0)6 83 71 38 89

    E: robert.terweijden@athora.nl