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    Transfer of pension portfolio Onderlinge 's-Gravenhage to Zwitserleven final

    15 August 2023 | 15:00

    Zwitserleven acquires the 2nd pillar pension portfolio from Onderlinge ´s-Gravenhage (OG). Both parties had already reached an agreement here last December. Now De Nederlandsche Bank has agreed to the transfer, the transfer is final.

    The 2nd pillar pension portfolio of Onderlinge 's-Gravenhage consists of various guaranteed pension products, including the closed insured pension scheme for employees of Onderlinge 's-Gravenhage and Levensverzekeringsmaatschappij De Hoop. The acquisition of this portfolio is in line with Zwitserleven's strategy to grow further as a leading pension insurer.

    The migration of the pension portfolio from Onderlinge 's-Gravenhage to Zwitserleven is expected to last until the end of 2023.


    View the announcement of the portfolio transfer published in the Staatscourant of 16 August 2023