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    Part of Pension Fund Aon members chooses Zwitserleven’s innovative opt-out

    10 May 2023 | 10:00

    The board of Pensioenfonds Aon offered former participants and pensioners an opt-out option at Zwitserleven when transferring the closed pension schemes to Algemeen Pensioenfonds Stap. This opt-out allowed them to choose a lifelong guaranteed pension at Zwitserleven with a fixed annual indexation of at least 2.0%. 168 participants, representing around EUR 58 million of invested pension assets, opted for this solution. 

    Together with the pension fund board, Zwitserleven worked out a tailor-made solution that takes into account the different risk preferences within the fund. The future wishes of the participants were central to this. In this case, a solution was devised in the form of a standard collective value transfer of all members to Algemeen Pensioenfonds Stap and an opt-out option for the fund's pensioners and former members to a lifelong guaranteed pension at Zwitserleven with a fixed annual indexation. This gave concrete expression to a certain degree of freedom of choice for these members, which also strengthened support for the liquidation of the pension fund and the associated transition.  

    Tailor-made solution 

    Annemieke Visser-Brons, Chief Commercial Officer of Athora Netherlands, Zwitserleven's parent company: "I am proud that with this tailor-made solution, Zwitserleven has given the members of Pensioenfonds Aon the opportunity to choose the certainty of a guaranteed pension with Zwitserleven. I therefore welcome them with full confidence that they will enjoy The Zwitserleven Feeling with us." 

    New solutions ahead of new legislation 

    Through this cooperation, pension fund Aon and Zwitserleven are giving pension funds and their members new options to explore ahead of the introduction of the Future Pensions Act. This is a great example of how pension fund, adviser and administrators take responsibility together in finding solutions that take into account the different risk preferences of all participants.