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    Art auction among employees raises great amount for charity

    22 December 2023 | 15:00

    Christmas campaign

    An art auction among our employees raised a great amount. Due to Athora Netherlands' move to smaller premises last year, there were many works of art 'left over'. It was decided to auction these among our staff. With the proceeds, Athora Netherlands supports two charities near its offices this Christmas. 

    Care is one of Athora's four core values, which means we try to take good care of people and the world around us. Based on these thoughts, we regularly support community organisations. Especially in these dark days, this is much needed, because a warm, cosy Christmas is far from within reach for everyone.   

    Christmas package for buddies 

    One half of the auction proceeds therefore went to the 'buddies' of De Regenboog Groep in Amsterdam. For them, we put together 190 Christmas packages with ingredients to cook a Christmas meal together. This way, we give some extra warmth and cosiness during the holidays to vulnerable Amsterdam residents who could use some support for whatever reason. 

    Gift voucher 

    With the other half, we contributed to Christmas breakfast bags in Alkmaar for families receiving help from the Prakkie072 Foundation. This foundation is dedicated to helping the lowest income families who just don't qualify for help from the better-known organisations like the Voedselbank. Athora added a gift voucher to the bag of ingredients for a festive Christmas breakfast, allowing people to choose something for under the Christmas tree themselves. 

    A dream has also come true for Silvia, the driving force behind Prakkie072, thanks to the auction proceeds. What is that? You can find out in the Christmas video we made about this campaign. 

    Happy holidays!