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    Athora Netherlands Best Hybrid Employer of North Holland

    8 June 2022 | 11:00

    Athora Netherlands has won the Zo Werkt Het-Award for Best Hybrid Employer of the North Holland region in the category companies larger than 200 employees. The award honors organisations that have an excellent hybrid work routine and have taken it a step further. On 14 June it will be announced whether Athora, in addition to being the regional winner, will also receive the national Zo Werkt Het Award.   

    According to the national mobility platform, Athora Netherlands has taken a step forward in making hybrid work easy, fun and efficient for employees. A large group of colleagues nominated the company as best hybrid employer. 

    Sandra Baltissen, project leader hybrid work at Athora Netherlands: "We are proud to have been declared the regional winner. At Athora we were already accustomed to working from home, but with the introduction of PASS we have taken hybrid working to a higher level: in consultation with your team you are responsible for your own results and you determine where you can best perform. This freedom and responsibility is apparently highly appreciated by many colleagues. Because we owe this award mainly to an enormous amount of enthusiastic votes."    

    Working according to the PASS concept

    Athora introduced hybrid working according to the PASS concept in March 2022; Pick A Smart Spot/Site/Solution/S.... In the PASS way of working, the nature of the work is leading for where you will work. There are no fixed days at the office or fixed days at home. Together with the team the employee agrees upon where to work on what, or when to come to the office. In the office we work with three activity zones; the Connect, Collaborate and Concentrate zone. The higher you go in the building, the quieter the areas. Within those zones you will find regular workstations, sit-stand workstations, collaborate workstations and concentrate workstations.

    In the finals on June 14, Athora Netherlands will meet the finalists from the other provinces. A total of four national winners will be chosen by an independent jury. They will assess how the employer facilitates working from home, how hybrid workplaces are implemented and whether a specific programme has been developed to maintain team spirit with hybrid work.

    About Zo Werkt Het

    Zo Werkt Het is an initiative of twelve mobility regions and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, who are jointly committed to sustainable and smart travel.

    collage-award-beste-hybride-werkgever-nh.jpgDo you want to learn more about de development of PASS? Read Sandra's story on our website.