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    Athora Netherlands and trade unions sign new collective labour agreement

    12 January 2021 | 15:00

    The members of the trade unions CNV Vakmensen, FNV Finance and De Unie have voted positively on the negotiation result for the new collective labour agreement for Athora Netherlands and the prolongation of the current Social Plan. The parties will put their  signature under the new, three-year collective labour agreement for employees of Athora Netherlands.

    The wishes of the employer and trade unions have been included in the negotiation result, with remuneration, sustainable employability and flexibility as the most important topics. The arrangements are consistent with the social, modern and attractive employer that Athora Netherlands aspires to be. The main results of the negotiation are:

    Appreciation and remuneration

    Athora Netherlands strives for employment conditions and remuneration which correspond to the market. The new collective labour agreement runs from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2023 and includes a structural salary increase of 2.25% on 1 January 2021, 2.25% on 1 July 2022 and 2.25% on 1 October 2023.

    Sustainable employability and development

    As an employer, Athora Netherlands considers it important that employees use their talents, take control of their own career and remain employable. To enable personal development, the personal learning budget will temporarily be increased from € 750 to € 1,000 per year, excluding VAT, for the duration of this labour agreement.

    In addition, as from 1 January 2022, employees will have the opportunity to save hours of leave in excess of the statutory entitlement. The saved hours can later be used for sustainable employability. This gives the employee the possibility to have more influence on staying fit and healthy at work. The saved leave hours can also be used, for example, to follow a training course or to work fewer hours for a period of time.

    Suitable and modern pension scheme

    Another important employment condition is pension. Athora Netherlands considers it very important, that in the coming years employees can count on a suitable, modern pension scheme which meets the wishes of employees and employer alike. Athora Netherlands, the trade unions and the Central Works Council will investigate what the pension scheme will look like in 2022. A better pension for the same premium is to be expected.

    The current social plan will continu for a period of three years without any changes.

    The full text of the agreement will be worked out with the trade unions in the coming period.