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    Athora Netherlands signs Diversity Charter

    8 March 2021 | 13:00

    On Monday 8 March - International Women's Day - Athora Netherlands signed the Diversity Charter. Athora Netherlands stands for a working climate that respects and values individual differences. By signing the Charter, our company commits itself to promoting diversity and inclusion within the organisation.

    Through the Charter, organisations receive practical advice on how to approach their diversity policy and are provided with knowledge and information. It also provides access to a broad network of companies and civil society organisations working towards more diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

    On behalf of Athora Netherlands, CEO Tom Kliphuis signed the Charter. Kliphuis: "For us, diversity means valuing and utilising differences between employees. This offers our company a source of perspectives. We believe in the power of these different perspectives because they lead to more creativity, innovation and better decision-making. By signing this charter, we create more awareness for this theme and take an important step in our aim to be an accessible, diverse and attractive employer. A place where everyone can excel."

    Analysis and awareness

    Part of the programme is the formulation of a challenge, worked out in a plan of action. In addition to guaranteeing a balanced composition of the workforce and equal development opportunities for every employee, Athora will focus in the coming year on analysing diversity and inclusion within all layers of the organisation. This will make it possible to formulate concrete improvement plans per business unit. In addition, the focus will be on awareness-raising, for example by organising dialogue sessions about (unconscious) prejudices regarding cultural or gender diversity.

    About Diversity in business

    Diversity in Business is a project aimed at promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace. It is part of an infrastructure at the Social and Economic Council that actively helps companies to set up, implement and monitor their diversity plans.