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    Asset manager ACTIAM moves to office in Amsterdam

    7 January 2021 | 13:00

    Inrichting kantoor Actiam met duurzame viltwand

    ACTIAM moves from Utrecht to Amsterdam-Zuidoost. The asset manager of Athora Netherlands will from now on occupy the 21st floor of the Alpha Tower business centre near the Johan Cruijff Arena. As a result, the office in Utrecht is definitively closed as a branch of Athora Netherlands.

    ACTIAM employees currently still work from home, which made the relocation relatively easy. At the new location, some fifty Covid-19 proof workstations have been set up for the moment that the restrictions are lifted.


    Sustainability was an important aspect in the relocation of Athora's responsible asset manager ACTIAM. For example, the office is very conveniently located for public transport, within walking distance of train and metro station Bijlmer Arena. In addition, all the office furniture was reused and recycled PET bottles were used in the interior design.

    Closure of the Utrecht office

    In addition to ACTIAM, the Utrecht office also housed the Reaal disability insurance (AOV) department. Due to the takeover by Nationale-Nederlanden, these colleagues have now become part of Movir (NN) in Nieuwegein, which means that less office space is needed. ACTIAM's employees are the only ones now moving to the new location in Amsterdam.