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    Todd Solash appointed to Supervisory Board

    27 May 2024 | 12:00

    Upon the nomination by the Supervisory Board of Athora Netherlands N.V. (Athora Netherlands), the shareholder has appointed Todd Solash as a member of the Supervisory Board of Athora Netherlands and its insurance subsidiaries. The Dutch Central Bank (DNB) has approved this appointment. Furthermore, Michele Bareggi stepped down from Athora Netherlands’ Supervisory Board after having served his 4-year term. Todd has been President and Deputy CEO of Athora since October 2023, succeeding Michele Bareggi in these positions.

    Todd joined Athora from Corebridge Financial (formerly AIG Life & Retirement) where he was President and CEO for Individual Retirement and Life Insurance. Prior to that, he was Head of Individual Annuity at AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company, partner at Oliver Wyman Financial Services and held senior positions at Jefferson National Life (now part of Nationwide Life Insurance). Todd has degrees in Finance and Chemical Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania.

    Roderick Munsters, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Athora Netherlands:
    “I am pleased to welcome Todd as our new Supervisory Board member. We will benefit from his extensive executive leadership experience and broad knowledge of the international life insurance industry. I would also like to thank Michele for his valuable contribution to Athora Netherlands over the past four years.”

    The Supervisory Board of Athora Netherlands currently consists of the following members: Roderick Munsters (chairman), Hanny Kemna, Floris Deckers, Elisabeth Bourqui, Henk Timmer and Todd Solash.

    Henk Schillemans

    Media Relations

    T: +31 (0)6 12647962

    E: henk.schillemans@athora.nl

    Robert ter Weijden

    Investor Relations

    M: +31 (0)6 83 71 38 89

    E: robert.terweijden@athora.nl