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    Athora Netherlands issues €300 million subordinated 10.25NC5.25 Tier 2 bond

    15 April 2021 | 10:00

    Athora Netherlands N.V. (Athora Netherlands) today successfully issued a €300 million subordinated Tier 2 capital instrument. The bond was priced at 260 basis points over the 5 year mid-swap rate, with a fixed rate coupon of 2.250%. The Tier 2 Notes have a first call date on 15 April 2026.

    The transaction was well received in capital markets with more than 100 investors placing orders for over €1 billion of demand. The new issuance was placed with institutional investors across primarily the United Kingdom, Continental Europe and Asia.

    Tom Kliphuis, CEO of Athora Netherlands: “Today Athora Netherlands successfully issued a Tier 2 capital instrument, achieving the lowest ever coupon (2.250%) for this type of instrument from a Dutch insurer. The coupon-level reflects the strong confidence of the investment community in Athora and Athora Netherlands. This transaction refinances a more expensive legacy instrument from SRLEV which was redeemed on April 15th and will contribute to Athora Netherlands’ focus on capital generation going forward. We thank our investors for their support for Athora and Athora Netherlands.”