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    Anbang has commenced next phase of strategic review regarding ownership of VIVAT

    8 October 2018 | 00:00

    VIVAT NV (VIVAT) has been informed by its shareholder Anbang Insurance Group Co. Ltd. (Anbang) that it has commenced the next phase of the strategic review regarding its shareholding in VIVAT.

    This follows the earlier announcement by Anbang dated 28 May 2018 with respect to a broader strategic review of all of its assets. The shareholder will assess a number of alternative options regarding the ownership of VIVAT.

    The next phase of the strategic review regarding Anbang’s ownership in VIVAT will include an assessment of a number of alternative options including, but not limited to, a sale of a majority interest as well as a continuation of Anbang's existing ownership. Anbang will judge every option on its merits, without prejudice to the outcome of the strategic review. J.P. Morgan has been appointed by Anbang to assist in the next phase of this strategic review.

    At this stage no further details are available regarding timing and outcome of the strategic review. Further announcements will be made in due course, if and when appropriate, and/or required by law.