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    New CEO for VIVAT

    15 March 2016 | 08:00

    Ron van Oijen has taken office as CEO of VIVAT NV, SRLEV NV, Proteq Levensverzekeringen NV and Reaal Schadeverzekeringen NV on 14 March 2016. As of that date, Van Oijen will be responsible for the VIVAT brands, including Zwitserleven and Reaal (insurance), and ACTIAM (fund and asset management). Albert Bakker has relinquished his role as acting CEO and will continue on in his role as Chief Operating Officer (COO).

    Ron van Oijen (55) will return to the Netherlands for this appointment after gaining extensive experience in Asia and other parts of Europe. Previously he was CEO of AIA Thailand, whose four million customers make it the largest insurance company in the country.

    Van Oijen started his career at Aegon and ING in the Netherlands. He subsequently broadened his knowledge of the European insurance sector in Prague. During four years, he was CEO of ING Life and ING Bank in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Van Oijen was then assigned to ING postings in Seoul and Hong Kong. As Regional CEO in Hong Kong, he was responsible for the large ING Life branches in India, Thailand and South Korea.

    “We are pleased with Ron van Oijen’s appointment; in him, we welcome an experienced and knowledgeable executive to VIVAT,” said Jan Nooitgedagt, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of VIVAT NV. “Ron van Oijen is well-versed in the insurance sector and knows how to build relations with customers, distribution partners and stakeholders. His international experience and significant track record in turning around companies, make him the right person for this role. The Supervisory Board wishes Ron van Oijen every success in his new role at VIVAT.”