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    Changes in the Supervisory Board

    21 November 2016 | 10:00

    Jan Nooitgedagt will resign as planned from his role as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of VIVAT NV as of 1 December 2016. Jan Nooitgedagt held this post for more than three years at VIVAT NV. Jan Nooitgedagt will devote himself to his other directorships amongst which his recently accepted role on the Supervisory Board of Rabobank. The Supervisory Board thanks Jan Nooitgedagt for his leadership and contribution to VIVAT.
    The Supervisory Board nominates Maarten Dijkshoorn to take on the role of Chairman subject to all regular approvals.

    The Supervisory Board of VIVAT and CEO Ron van Oijen state that they are grateful for Jan Nooitgedagt's dedication and commitment to the company: “Jan Nooitgedagt has put his wide-ranging professional experience to good use at VIVAT. Jan has ably overseen the developments in our company, such as the separation of the banking and insurance companies, the sale of VIVAT and the successful restructuring of our company. Jan's departure comes at a natural time, as the new strategy of our company has been set. We are grateful for his efforts and wish Jan every success in the future.”

    In his former career, Maarten Dijkshoorn acted as CEO and COO of Eureko BV (Achmea). Before that, he held various management functions at NN. Currently, Dijkshoorn acts as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of De Goudse Verzekeringen NV and as member of the Supervisory Board of PGGM, amongst other rolls.

    The Supervisory Board welcomes Maarten Dijkshoorn as Chairman: “Dijkshoorn has extensive experience in the financial sector. He is the right person to oversee the developments at VIVAT and guide the company towards a new future.”