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    Management changes to VIVAT NV

    26 July 2015 | 08:00

    REAAL NV renamed VIVAT NV

    Anbang completed the acquisition of VIVAT today. As of today, the composition of the Supervisory Board and Executive Board has been changed. The composition of the Boards of SRLEV NV and Reaal Schadeverzekeringen NV also altered. With effect from today, the statutory name of REAAL NV is also changed into VIVAT NV.

    Appointments Supervisory Board and Executive Board of VIVAT NV

    Jan Nooitgedagt (Dutch nationality) remains Chairman of the Supervisory Board of VIVAT NV. As of today, Nooitgedagt resigned as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of SNS REAAL NV and SNS Bank NV. In addition to Nooitgedagt, the Supervisory Board is composed of the following persons as of today:

    • Miriam van Dongen (Dutch nationality)
    • Pierre Lefèvre (Belgian nationality)
    • Ming He (American nationality)
    • Kevin Shum (British nationality)

    From today, these five members also constitute the Supervisory Board of
    SRLEV NV, Reaal Schadeverzekeringen NV and Proteq Levensverzekeringen NV.
    Gerard van Olphen (Dutch nationality) has been appointed Chairman of the Executive Board of VIVAT NV as of today. At the same time, van Olphen resigned as Chairman and member of the Executive Board of SNS REAAL NV. In addition to van Olphen, the Executive Board of VIVAT NV is composed of the following persons as of today:

    • Albert Bakker, Chief Operation Officer (Dutch nationality)
    • Xiao Wei Wu, Chief Transformation Officer (Chinese nationality)
    • Lan Tang, Chief Finance and Risk Officer (British nationality)
    • Feng Zhang, Chief of Staff (Chinese nationality)

    The Executive Board of VIVAT NV will, amongst other activities, focus on managing strategic changes at VIVAT and its brands and improving and monitoring the financial performance and risk profile of VIVAT at a consolidated level. Moreover, the Executive Board will support the Dutch and European strategy of Anbang.

    Managing Boards of SRLEV NV and Reaal Schadeverzekeringen NV

    The Dutch insurance operations that serve customers through the brands of VIVAT
    Verzekeringen will, under the chairmanship of Gerard van Olphen, be managed by:

    • Seada van den Herik, Chairman of the Board of Zwitserleven
    • Jacob de Wit, Chairman of the Board of ACTIAM
    • Arjen Schouten, Chief Financial Officer
    • Willem Horstmann, Chief Risk Officer
    • Albert Bakker, Chief Operation Officer

    All of these members have the Dutch nationality.

    Therefore, as of today, Gerard van Olphen and Albert Bakker have been appointed statutory directors of the companies SRLEV NV (Life & Pension risk bearer) and Reaal Schadeverzekeringen NV (Non-Life risk bearer). The other four persons already formed part of these statutory boards. They resigned as statutory directors of the holding company as of today. Wim Henk Steenpoorte will leave VIVAT. Thus ending an important and exceptional phase for the insurer – a period in which the focus was on the separation of SNS REAAL and the sale of VIVAT.

    Gerard van Olphen: “Wim Henk Steenpoorte deserves a special word of thanks. Under his leadership, the management team has carefully positioned the insurer as an independent company and prepared it for the sale, always putting the interests of the customers of the VIVAT brands and employees first.”

    There are no changes in the boards of Proteq Levensverzekeringen NV and ACTIAM NV, nor in Zwitserleven PPI NV.

    REAAL NV renamed VIVAT NV

    The Articles of Association of REAAL NV were amended as of today, with the statutory name of the company being changed into VIVAT NV. VIVAT Verzekeringen, the name under which the holding company has been operating since last year, will be maintained as the trade name of VIVAT NV for the activities in the Netherlands. VIVAT Verzekeringen's brands remain unchanged: Zwitserleven, Zelf, Route Mobiel, Reaal, Proteq, Proteq Dier & Zorg and ACTIAM.

    Bonds issued by SRLEV

    Announcements relating to bonds issued by SRLEV will from now on be made via the website of VIVAT.