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    Gerard van Olphen steps down as Chairman of the Executive Board of VIVAT NV

    14 September 2015 | 08:00

    VIVAT NV and Gerard van Olphen have agreed that it was in the best interest of the company that he will step down as Chairman of the Executive Board of VIVAT NV and the managing boards of SRLEV NV and Reaal Schadeverzekeringen NV, as of the 14th of September.

    After the sale of VIVAT NV was finalised, Van Olphen was appointed Chairman of the Executive Board of VIVAT NV and above mentioned insurance daughters. Gerard van Olphen wishes VIVAT and its stakeholders all the best for the future.

    VIVAT thanks Gerard van Olphen for all his efforts accomplishing the sales process and the start of VIVAT and also wishes him all the best for the future.

    Pending the appointment of a new Chairman of the Executive Board, Albert Bakker will be acting Chairman, and will be assisted by Jan Nooitgedagt who will be the Supervisory Board member delegate during this interim period.