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    Anbang Insurance Group completes the acquisition of SNS REAAL NV’s subsidiary VIVAT

    26 July 2015 | 08:00

    Anbang Insurance Group Co., Ltd. (Anbang Insurance Group) today announced Anbang Insurance Group has completed its acquisition of VIVAT Verzekeringen (statutory name being REAAL NV).

    VIVAT is a leading insurance and asset management company in the Netherlands with a history of more than 100 years. It enjoys a strong client base and solid reputation. With the full support from Anbang Insurance Group, which is known for its strong technology-based services, VIVAT will in the future be better equipped to serve its clients in the Netherlands, and Anbang its clients in China.

    About Anbang Insurance Group

    Anbang Insurance Group Co. Ltd. is a leading insurance company based in Beijing, China with more than 30,000 employees. It provides a comprehensive range of financial and insurance services and products to more than 20 million customers, including life insurance, pensions, health insurance, property and casualty insurance and asset management. Since its founding, Anbang has delivered excellent results to its clients and the most advanced technology to enhance the customer experience. As a Chinese insurance company with an international vision, Anbang has established a strategy to offer complete, globalized services to its clients and to realize stable, long-term returns through asset allocation around the world. Visit www.anbanggroup.com/abic/english for more information.

    About VIVAT

    VIVAT NV is the holding company for, among others, SRLEV NV, Reaal Schadeverzekeringen NV, Proteq Levensverzekeringen NV, ACTIAM NV and Zwitserleven PPI NV. VIVAT NV also operates under the trade name VIVAT Verzekeringen. The subsidiaries of VIVAT Verzekeringen are also active on the Dutch market with the Zwitserleven, Zelf, Route Mobiel, Reaal, Proteq, Proteq Dier & Zorg and ACTIAM brands. A balance sheet total of € 60 billion (at the end of 2014) makes VIVAT Verzekeringen one of the larger insurers in the Netherlands. The company employs more than 3200 staff and has offices in Alkmaar, Amstelveen, Assen, Rotterdam and Utrecht. As of 26 July 2015, Anbang Group Holdings Co. Ltd., a full subsidiary of Anbang Insurance Group Co. Ltd, has been the sole shareholder of VIVAT NV.