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    Supervisory Board

    The Supervisory Board is responsible for overseeing the conduct of the Executive Committee and general business management. It has an important role in the company's governance, by approving or dismissing significant business-related decisions. The Supervisory Board members of Athora Netherlands N.V. also form the Supervisory Board of SRLEV N.V.

    The Supervisory Board consists of the following persons:

    Roderick Munsters

    • Chair of the Supervisory Board
    • Chair of the Conflicts-of-Interest Committee
    • Member of the Audit Committee
    • Member of the Risk Committee

    Roderick Munsters (1963) was appointed as a member of the Supervisory Board in September 2021 and subsequently became chair of the Supervisory Board in October 2021.

    He has gained extensive executive experience at various financial institutions. He was amongst others Chief Executive Officer at Robeco Group, member of the Executive Committee and Chief Investment Officer of ABP Pensioenfonds & APG All Pensions Group and Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer at PGGM Pensioenfonds.

    Roderick Munsters is amongst others a member of the Advisory Board of the Dutch State Treasury Agency and a member of the Supervisory Board of Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield. He is also an independent non-executive director at BNY Mellon European Bank and Wisayah Global Investment Company. He holds a master’s degree in Economics & Corporate Finance and in Financial Economics, both from Tilburg University.

    Nationalities: Dutch and Canadian

    Hanny Kemna

    • Vice-chair of the Supervisory Board
    • Chair of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee
    • Member of the Audit Committee
    • Member of the Conflicts-of-Interest Committee

    Hanny Kemna (1960) was appointed as a member and vice-chair of the Supervisory Board in April 2020.

    Hanny Kemna is amongst others a member of the Supervisory Board of Ziekenhuis Groep Twente and a non-executive director for ASA International. In addition, she is an independent member of the Audit and Risk Advisory Committee to the Board of Géant, an extraordinary member to the Board of the Dutch Court of Audit and member of the Electoral Council. She is also a member of the Supervisory Board and chair of the Audit and Risk Committee of VvAA. She holds a master in Linguistics, a minor in Dutch Law and a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Information Technology.

    Nationality: Dutch

    Elisabeth Bourqui

    • Chair of the Risk Committee
    • Member of the Conflicts-of-Interest Committee
    • Member of the Remuneration & Nomination Committee

    Elisabeth Bourqui (1975) was appointed as a member of the Supervisory Board in November 2021.

    She held various board and senior management positions in the pension, asset management and consulting sector including CalPERS, ABB Group and Mercer. Elisabeth Bourqui is CEO and co-founder at PNYX Group SA, an investment advisory firm. She is also amongst others a member of the Board of Directors at Bank Vontobel, Chair and member of the Board of Directors at Helsana HealthInvest AG and Board member at the Banque Cantonale Neuchâteloise, the Louis Jeantet Foundation, the Greenbrix Investment Foundation, the Swiss-Japan Chamber of Commerce, RUAG MRO Holding and Compenswiss. She holds a master’s degree in Mathematics and a Ph.D. in Financial Mathematics, both from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich.

    Nationalities: Swiss, French, Canadian

    Floris Deckers

    • Member of the Audit Committee
    • Member of the Remuneration & Nomination Committee

    Floris Deckers (1950) was appointed as a member of the Supervisory Board in April 2020.

    He was CEO of Van Lanschot Bankiers and Senior Executive at ABN AMRO.  In addition, he was chair of the Supervisory Board of Deloitte Netherlands as well as chair of the Supervisory Board of SBM Offshore. Floris Deckers is amongst others a member of the Supervisory Board of Arklow Shipping Group Ireland, as well as of its Dutch subsidiary, and Chair of Utrecht Holdings N.V. Furthermore, he is active as Board Member / Executive in a number of not-for-profit organisations. He has a bachelor’s degree in Banking, Corporate Finance and Securities Law from the Erasmus University in Rotterdam and an MBA from the Rotterdam School of Management.

    Nationality: Dutch

    Todd Solash

    • Member of the Renumeration & Nomination Committee
    • Member of the Risk Committee

    Todd Solash (1975) was appointed as a member of the Supervisory Board in April 2024.

    He has been President and Deputy CEO of Athora since October 2023. Previously, Todd Solash worked for Corebridge Financial (formerly AIG Life & Retirement) as President and CEO for Individual Retirement and Life Insurance. Prior to that, he was Head of Individual Annuity at AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company. Earlier in his career, he consulted with major insurers and banks as a partner at Oliver Wyman Financial Services and held senior positions at Jefferson National Life (now part of Nationwide Life Insurance). He has degrees in Finance and Chemical Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania.

    Nationality: American

    Henk Timmer

    • Chair of the Audit Committee
    • Member of the Risk Committee
    • Member of the Conflicts-of-Interest Committee Profile

    Henk Timmer (1961) was appointed as a member of the Supervisory Board in September 2022.

    He held various management and board positions in the Dutch insurance and pensions sector, amongst others he was Chief Risk Officer and member of the Board of Directors at Achmea. He is a member of the advisory board of the Bond van Nederlandse Militaire Oorlogs- en dienstslachtoffers. Henk Timmer has an educational background in economics, audit and risk management.

    Nationality: Dutch