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    Athora Netherlands N.V. is the holding compancy of SRLEV N.V. and premium pension institution Zwitserleven PPI N.V. Her sole shareholder is Athora Netherlands Holding Ltd.

    Structure Athora Netherlands
    The legal structure of Athora Netherlands N.V. as of 1 July 2024, together with the most important companies, is shown in the diagram above. These companies are wholly owned subsidiaries.


    Executive Committee

    The Executive Committee of Athora Netherlands NV will focus on managing strategic changes at Athora Netherlands and its brands and improving and monitoring the financial performance and risk profile of Athora Netherlands at a consolidated level.

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    Supervisory Board

    The Supervisory Board members of Athora Netherlands N.V. also form the Supervisory Board of SRLEV N.V.

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    Risk Management

    Taking risks is an integral part of doing business and demands a consistent and transparent assessment of opportunities and threats, aimed at growth and continuity of the company.

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    To Athora Netherlands, compliance means observing internal and external rules and standards. The compliance department monitors risks associated with them as well as the management of these risks.

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    Auditor and Actuary

    The external auditor of Athora Netherlands is EY. It audits our consolidated financial statements and the statutory financial statements of our subsidiaries.

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